Julie Brook: What is it That Will Last?

13 January - 30 June 2024
'What is it That Will Last?’ offers an insight into the extraordinary work of Scottish land artist Julie Brook. Capturing the sculptures she creates in wild and inaccessible locations around the globe through film, photography and drawing, this exhibition explores Brook’s deep and immersive relationship with each landscape and the natural materials she uses.

Using film, photography and drawing, this exhibition offers us a unique insight into Julie Brook’s work as well as an opportunity to re-engage with our primal connection with our landscape and to hold the question ‘What Is It That Will Last?’.



Artist's Tour of the Exhibition, Tuesday 21st May, 5.30pm


Julie Brook will give a tour of the exhibition 'What Is It That Will Last?'  giving an interesting insight into how she creates her work and the ongoing dialogue between her different media.



Tickets are free but spaces are limited so please book by emailing the gallery gallery@pangolinlondon.com